Woman holding Verre bottle of skin serum.

Welcome to Verre, where healthy skin starts within.

Image of Verre waiting room.

Healthy Skin Starts Within

Healthy Skin Starts Within

Up close image of woman's face and clean skin.

Verre in French means glass and our mission is to help you achieve skin as clear as glass. 

At Verre, we work with you to develop a comprehensive skin care program that incorporates goals, products, treatments, concerns about aging, activity, lifestyle, nutrition and stress level, into your customized road map.  Our goal  is to educate you on achieving and maintaining healthy skin long term.  Our recommendations are science backed and clinically tested.

Take the first step and sign up for a complimentary ½ hour, Verre Healthy Skin Consult via FaceTime.

At Verre, we believe  in curated care, consistency and collaboration to achieve healthy skin and promote healthy aging.

We are a holistic medspa that partners with you to develop a personalized healthy skin game plan. We incorporate the Verre principles of skin health to address your current skin care goals while making  recommendations and suggestions to help you achieve those  goals.

The 5 Principles of the Verre Healthy Skin Program

  • Education

    When we learn the basics about skin, digestion, products, treatments, lifestyle, and how they are interconnected, achieving healthy vibrant skin becomes much easier.

  • Skincare

    A Verre consult will address your concerns and skincare goals, look at sensitivities and ingredients, and create a customized program specific to your needs. We have found that combining basic and medical grade skin care products is the sweet spot to healthy good looking skin.

  • Aesthetic Treatments

    After establishing the basics, we talk about the types of aesthetic solutions that are available to you, including laser, micro-needling, PRP, botox and filler as well as which treatments make the most sense based on your skin care goals.

  • Nutrition

    At Verre we take a holistic approach to skin care which includes nutrition. You are what you eat and our consults provide a basic overview of digestion along with recommendations on nutrition, hydration and supplements. We like to work internally to provide glowing vibrant skin externally.

  • Lifestyle

    Our consults address sleep, stress, and exercise. We know that these elements directly impact how our skin looks and feels. We also know that a few simple changes, if needed, can go a long way to supporting skin health.

The  Verre “healthy skin” consult addresses the five principles of healthy skin including education, basic and advanced skincare, aesthetic treatments, nutrition and lifestyle as it relates to you. We factor in your skin care concerns to develop a personalized healthy skin program with achievable realistic goals.

Book your virtual consultation today and start your journey to healthy, radiant skin.

At Verre, we know that beautiful skin is healthy skin and healthy skin starts within.

Blurred image of teal blue and orange colors.
Woman holding bottle of Verre Retinol.
Picture of Verre treatment room.
Picture of Nancy Valerio, Founder of Verre.

Meet the Founder

Nancy Valerio is the founder of Verre, a clinical nurse and holistic nutritionist with over thirty years of experience. Her expertise has helped educate hundreds of client’s connect the dots between nutrition, medical-grade products, aesthetic treatments and healthy skin. 

“I struggled for years with my skin, having no idea where to start.  Nancy curated a plan of treatments, products, and nutritional advice  to get to the root of my acne and rosacea.  I finally feel comfortable in my skin!”  Beth H.